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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Preparing for take off!!!!

Wow, less than a month till Mongolia!! I will begin a 27 month committment as a Peace Corps volunteer. My job title is life skills trainer working in the Community Youth Development area. What a rush! (in more ways than one) I am so excited I can barely contain myself.
So much to finish up, so little time......

To go back a little for those who don't know me (yet)... I am a more experienced than typical volunteer (yes, I mean older) and life has led me down some paths which have offered much personal growth. (that does mean painful ,challenging experiences, but really how else do we grow and learn?)

Soul searching and an insightful friend (thanks Linda) led me to the possibility of the Peace Corps. What an amazing opportunity this will be in so many ways!

But for now, I still need to figure out what to take?! Do I get a nook or a kindle? What about my hair? Will I be too cold? too hot? are those cute shoes comfortable enough if I have to walk a mile or two in them?

And more importantly, I must call to make my travel arrangements to San Fransisco for staging!!!!

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